Spanel Planetarium

Native American Sky

The Milky Way
Great Sky Road
Path of the Migrating Birds
White River
Ghost Road
Snowshoer's Trail
Flight of the Loon
Raven's Snowshoe Tracks
Cannibal Pole
The River
Trail of the Dead
The River
The Dusty Trail
Ice Crystal Trail
Devil Trail
Night's Backbone
Endless Trail
The Monster's Entrails
Awaits the Dawn
The Scattered Stars
Flour and Ash
Bright Stretch Across
Spirit Path
Trail of Bubbles
Hanging Road
Dog Trail
Spirit Road
Orion's Belt
Three Chiefs
Steps in a Snowbank
Men in a Line
Three Babies
Strung Together
Goose Foot
The Fawns
Three Vertebrae
Stones Supporting Lamp
Elk Skin
Land of Windows
Zig Zag
She who revolves
Corona Borealis
Bear's Den
Celestial Sisters
Bear's Head
Meal Drying-Bowl
Chief Council
Spiderman's Lodge
Old Camp
The North Star
Star that does not move
Guide of the People
Grizzly Bear
Mountain Sheep
Eye of the Creator
Sky Coyote
Pretty Woman
Sky Chief
Star on Top
Not-Walking Star
Star that does not walk
Star that stands still
Old Woman's Grandchild
North Star
The Big Dipper
The Bear and The Hunters
Fisher Stars
Grandfather Stars
Big-Headed Man
Giant Caribou
Great Elk
Wolf Brothers
The Loons
Rabbit Net
The Cane
Seven Boys
The Cradle
One who revolves
Catcus Hook
The Sheild Stars
Brothers with a girl
Bison Bulls
Lost Hunters
The Canoe
Holy Men
Sharing Foxes
Brothers in a boat
Crying Children
Coyote's Daughters
People in a boat
Raccoon's Children
Hearts of the First People
Wise Men
Lost Children
Boy with Bow and Arrow
Rabbit Tracks
Earth Healer
Swimming Ducks
Aurora Borealis
Dancing human and animal spirits, especially those of deer, seals, salmon and Beluga whales.
The ghosts of slain enemies who are restless for revenge. They are trying to rise from the dead and attack.
Spirits of the dead playing ball with a Walrus skull.
Walrus spirits playing ball with a human skull.
The spirits of children who died at birth. The dancing of the children around in a circle causes the moving streamers and draperies.
Nanahbozho, creator of the Earth, traveled to the north and built large fires, of which the lights are reflections, to remind people that he still thinks of them.
Torches used by friendly giants in the north, to attract the fish that they spear at night.
Fires over which the warriors of northern nations simmer their dead enemies in enormous pots.
Fires in the far north. A tribe of dwarves, half the length of a canoe paddle but so strong they catch whales with their bare hands, boil blubber over the fires.