
What is a Public Record?

Public records of a state institution includes any writing, regardless of physical form or characteristic, which contains information relating to the conduct of university business and which is prepared, owned, used or retained by the university. This includes, but is not limited to, e-mail, electronic media, paper, microfilm, videotape, audiotape, magnetic tape, and disks. Only existing documents are releasable.

Request a Public Record

Student Records

Students have a right to inspect, review, and obtain copies of their own confidential educational records under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 516-26-030. A student is any person who has ever been in attendance (officially enrolled as of the first day of classes) at the University and with respect to whom the University maintains education records or personally-identifiable Records.

Request your own Student Record

Personnel Records

Per RCW 49.12.240, employees shall, upon request from employer, inspect any or all of his or her own personnel files(s).

Employees can gain access to view their personnel file, through Human Resources.

Human Resources.