Jackbox Game Night!

Next Monday we are holding the most epic game of Jackbox the world has ever seen.

Jackbox is a collection of online party games to play in groups

It's going to be a blast!

This event is intended for all participants, including those with apparent or non-apparent disabilities.  For disability accommodation(s) (such as ASL interpretation, etc.) please contact as.coffeehouse@wwu.edu Advanced notice is appreciated and sometimes necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.

Western's Salish Sea Institute Announces its Second Fellows Cohort

<p>BELLINGHAM, WA - Western Washington University's Salish Sea Institute has announced its second cohort of Salish Sea Fellows.</p>

<p>Following a competitive selection process, this group of eight individuals with varied expertise will advance transboundary projects to enhance research and awareness of priority issues in the Salish Sea. The Salish Sea Institute is sponsoring this research to further improve the understanding of our region’s coastal climate issues.</p>

<p>The new cohort of fellows includes:</p>

Wild Lives: Celebrating Earth’s Wildlife

About the Event

Brought to you by: College of the Environment, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni

Art Wolfe will give a presentation with projected images and live narration featuring adventures, an exploration of creativity, and the amazing stories that accompany his images from the new book, Wild Lives.

Where Nature Lives

Environmental Speaker Series

Brought to you by:
College of the Environment, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni
In Academic West 204 and on Zoom

This talk outlines the ways in which the development of Vancouver, BC in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries tied the city to the mountainous landscape immediately to its north. Considering episodes from resource extraction and outdoor recreation, it shows how urban interest in local mountains served to co-produce both the city and what city boosters have labelled ‘Where Nature Lives.’

Germs of Rot

Internalized Oppression and Mental Health Among Historically Oppressed Communities

Center for Cross-Cultural Research Speaker Series
Brought to you by: 
Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Psychology Department, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni
In Academic West 210 and Online on Zoom

Moving Beyond Representation Toward Liberation

About the Event

Brought to you by:
Woodring College of Education, Bellingham Public Schools, Whatcom CARE, Happy Valley PTA, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni
In Academic West 210 and on Zoom

“Until we learn to talk about race, the poison of racism won’t go away.” The author of Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You and Antiracist Reading Revolution: A Framework for Teaching Beyond Representation Toward Liberation will offer specific strategies for teaching in ways that help students challenge racist ideas with antiracist ideas. 

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