Internal Hierarchy

Join us as we discuss how to build a better, more inclusive community for each other. We will discuss socialization around the APIDA identity and touch on topics such as colorism, casteism, language barriers/supremacy, religious barriers/supremacy.

*This is an intended for space that centers those with APIDA identity, but all are welcome. Lunch is provided.

Negotiating Identity

During this discussion, our panel of students, staff, and faculty will navigate what it means to negotiate identity with a specific focus on bicultural identities, intergenerational familial relationships and trauma, and traditions. Lunch is provided.

Breaking Down APIDA

During this lunch & learn, we will discuss the term APIDA, and highlight the different cultural and ethnic groups included in this term. Lunch is provided.

Salish Sea Institute publishes new paper on how much noise is too much for Southern Resident killer whales

<p>The Salish Sea Institute has published the second paper in its Emerging Issues in the Salish Sea series. Rob Williams, chief scientist at Oceans Initiative, worked with Salish Sea Institute Assistant Director Cindy Elliser and Director Ginny Broadhurst to create this paper focused on the critical question: How much is too much noise for Southern Resident killer whales?</p>

Upcoming Internal Grant Application Deadlines for Faculty  

<p>Refer to the RSP website for additional information, proposal guidelines, and application forms.   </p>

<p>The deadlines listed below are for the dates that applications (eSign forms) with attached proposal materials are due to RSP (applications are formally submitted on your behalf by your College Dean). Please work with your Department Chair and College Dean to make sure all materials are received by RSP on or before the deadlines.   </p>

<p>  </p>

<h3>Pilot Project Grants   </h3>

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