Work at Western
I am Seeking Employment
Whether you are a student seeking work while you attend classes, a recent graduate looking for employment, or simply would like to work at Western - let us point you in the right direction.
I am an Employer
Looking to hire an intern for the summer, or hire a student for a project? Or perhaps you need to hire a recent graduate with specific skills for a permanent full-time position?
Volunteer Opportunities
If you're looking for volunteer opportunities, there are plenty, on and off campus. In addition to the resources listed here you can reach out to clubs, departments or other groups on campus to either find volunteers for your special event or to volunteer yourself!
I want to work at Western
Ready to find work as staff or a faculty member at Western Washington University? Discover employment opportunities that could lead to your next career.
Employment Opportunities at Western
For questions about employment opportunities at Western, please reach out to

I am a Western Student seeking...
temporary employment while I am attending school or during a break.
I am a Western Student seeking...
Career, Internship and/or Networking Opportunities.
Career/Internship Job Listings

Western's recruitment platform for careers and internships. Handshake is the #1 way college students find these opportunities.
Help with my Career /Internship Search

Discover resources and/or arrange to meet with someone who can help you.
I want to hire for a...
Summer, Part-time or Seasonal position
I want to hire for part-time, seasonal or summer positions for students who are attending WWU or on summer break.
Career and/or Internship Employment Opportunity
I have an internship and/or a career related opportunity for a Western student/soon to be graduate that requires 0 – 3 years of experience.
I Need a Volunteer

Need a volunteer for a project? Connect with the Volunteer Center of Whatcom County to get started.