What is Geophysics?

Geophysics involves studies in the application of physics as a means of understanding a range of geological processes.

Geophysics Degree(s)

Geophysics, BS

Western’s Geophysics major is distinct from geology in that a more intensive set of math and physics courses, and applications of these skills, are required. Students are strongly encouraged to complete a senior thesis project as part of this degree, providing them with an excellent capstone experience.


Hye In Park, Geology Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Parkh23@wwu.edu | 360-650-6516

Asmaa Boujibar, Geophysics Advisor
Asmaa.boujibar@wwu.edu | 360-650-2439

Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Geophysics Advisor
Jackie.caplan-auerbach@wwu.edu | 360-650-4153

Melissa Rice, Geophysics Advisor
melissa.rice@wwu.edu | 360-650-3592

Emily Roland, Geophysics Advisor
Emily.roland@wwu.edu | 360-650-4078

Geophysics at Western

Western’s Geophysics major is distinct from geology in that a more intensive set of math and physics courses, and applications of these skills, are required. Students are strongly encouraged to complete a senior thesis project as part of this degree, providing them with an excellent capstone experience.

Western’s Geology Department is part of the College of Science and Engineering.

Explore Courses

PHYS 363 – Classical Mechanics

ASTR 315 – The Solar System

GEOL 453 – Plate Tectonics

GEOL 454 – Magnetic Fabrics and Geologic Processes

GEOL 490 – Senior Thesis

Hands-on-Experience and Internships

The Geology department is home to two active professional-society student chapters — the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) and the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) that offer professional development and networking opportunities outside the classroom.

"Our students graduate with many valuable skills and experiences, and leave Western for graduate school or for jobs in a variety of geoscience fields as professional geologists. There are many exciting opportunities for new students in our program, and the future demand for geoscientist will be significant."

Bernie Housen


What can you do with Geophysics?

Students who complete the Geophysics degree at Western will be prepared to continue to graduate studies in geology, geophysics, planetary geology/geophysics, physics, or other related fields, or to enter into industry.

Geophysics careers

  • U.S. Geological Survey 
  • Department of Natural Resources 
  • Oil and Mining companies 
  • NASA 
  • U.S. Forest Service 
  • U.S Army Corps of Engineers 
  • Explorations Geologist 
  • Museum Curator 
  • Climate Change Scientist 
  • Earthquake or Volcano Monitor 

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