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What is Urban Sustainability?
The Urban Sustainability major examines the human and environmental dimensions of cities in the United States and around the world. The curriculum incorporates approaches from a range of disciplines including urban planning, environmental policy, economics, political science, and history. The program emphasizes analytic and communication skills, which are valued by a range of employers. The program provides an excellent foundation for students pursuing graduate studies in a range of social science disciplines.
Urban Sustainability Degree(s)
Urban Sustainability, BA
Examine the human and environmental dimensions of cities in the United States and around the world. Classes incorporate approaches from urban planning, environmental policy, economics, political science, and history. The program provides an excellent foundation for students pursuing graduate studies in a range of social science disciplines.
Grace Wang, Program Chair | (360) 650-3278
Kathryn Patrick, College of the Environment Professional Advisor | 360-650-3520
View in Catalog
Urban Sustainability, BAUrban Sustainability at Western
The Urban Sustainability degree blends strengths from the College of the Environment’s specializations in environmental policy and urban planning, while allowing students maximum flexibility to tailor their own course of study. Students can develop specializations or complete a minor. The College of the Environment offers minors in energy policy, sustainable design, sustainability studies and disaster risk reduction. Western offers complimentary minors in international studies, political science, economics, history, business administration and international business.
Why Consider an Urban Sustainability Major?
Do you want to acquire knowledge and skills that promote positive change in the urban environment and learn about creating more livable communities through different disciplinary perspectives? Do you enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems in both natural settings and urban communities? Are you committed towards building a more equitable and sustainable society? Then a major in Urban Sustainability is the major for you.
Explore Courses
UEPP 270 – Cities, Nature and Society
UEPP 360 – Plan Graphics and Site Design
PLSC 353 – State and Local Politics
UEPP 475 – Community Development and Participatory Methods
UEPP, ENVS 493 – Environmental Impact Assessment
Related Minors
What can you do with an Urban Sustainability degree?
Students with a degree in urban sustainability may find employment in government, business and the non-profit sector. The program also provides an excellent foundation for graduate programs in urban planning, public administration, political science, environmental studies and other fields.