Bellingham and Whatcom County offer a variety of hotels for Western Washington University guests. Most hotels offer discounts to WWU guests which is indicated below. Discounts are included in the customized links or you can inquire about a WWU discount if booking by phone. Please note that the price categories below are general estimates. Hotel rates fluctuate based on availability and are typically more expensive in the summer and on busy WWU weekends. Happy travels!
Moderate ($125+)

Miles to Campus: 7
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 6
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 3
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 9
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 6
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 7
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 7
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 13
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:
Call to learn of the most current promotion.

Miles to Campus: 7
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:
Luxury ($150+)

Miles to Campus: 1
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 2
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:
Use the Corporate Code WU1 when making your reservation.

Miles to Campus: 6
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:

Miles to Campus: 17
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:
Call to learn of the most current promotion.

Miles to Campus: 1
Phone Number:
WWU Discount:
Discount for WWU department business only. Call for most current promotion.
Additional Accommodations
For additional accommodation listings as well as information about dining options, activities and other things to do in the Bellingham community, check out