Office of Government Relations

Who We Are

The Office of Government Relations works to pursue and promote Western’s state and federal policy objectives to the legislative and executive branches of the state and federal government. The Office works closely with elected officials, Western administrators, faculty, students and staff. Western’s Office of Government Relations also educates the campus community about legislation and initiatives affecting the University.

Federal Government Relations

The Office of Government Relations advocates for Western’s federal priorities to Washington's congressional delegation, and utilizes the Deans of colleges, the Provost and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) to help set federal priorities.

State Government Relations

The Office of Government Relations advocates for Western’s state priorities to the Legislature and Governor in Olympia. WWU’s legislative priorities are designed to serve the people of Washington and help Western meet its mission and strategic goals.

WWU Operating Budget Priorities

WWU Capital Budget Priorities

Stay Informed

For up to date information about what's happening in state and federal government that impacts Western, you can follow our Western Legislative Review and follow @WWUGOV on Twitter! Our door is always open, so feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Report Lobbying Activity

All Washington State agencies, including state universities, must keep records concerning their lobbying activity. If you are a WWU employee, and you have questions about lobbying or have contact with state elected officials, please contact the WWU Office of Government Relations.

2024 Election Year Guidance for Staff and Faculty

Contact Us

Nora Selander

Director of Government Relations

(360) 650-6291

Elissa Hicks

Government Relations Policy and Affairs Coordinator

(360) 650-2548

Physical Location

Old Main 480C

Mailing Address

Office of Government Relations
Western Washington University
516 High Street MS 9000
Bellingham, WA 98225