WWU’s Marco Hatch Awarded a Coveted 2023 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation

<p>Western Washington University Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences Marco Hatch has been selected by The Pew Charitable Trusts as a recipient of the 2023 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation.  </p>

<p>Hatch is one of seven researchers from around the world awarded the fellowship this year and will receive $150,000 over three years to complete a research project that produces new data, knowledge, or methods to advance the protection and sustainable use of the world’s oceans. </p>

Multicultural Center Community Lunch: International Women’s Day

All are welcome for food, conversation and friends as we celebrate International Women’s Day and learn about movements for gender justice around the world. For accommodations, please email ess.adei@wwu.edu.

Acting in Solidarity with Trans Femme People

As Women’s History Month concludes and just before Trans Day of Visibility on March 31, join LGBTQ+ Western for a conversation about ways we can all take action in solidarity with trans femme people. This event is part of the Multicultural Center's Community Lunch & Learn series.

Zoom: Acting in Solidarity

Center in Community Care During Women’s History Month, with author and community connector, Bonita Lee

Bonita Lee, a fierce advocate for just and equitable systems, joins us to share her journey in honor of Women’s History Month. With over 20 years of community-oriented advocacy, she brings her experiences in public schools and behavioral health social work together to demonstrate the power of women driving systemic change.

Talkin’ Story “Body Neutrality v. Male Gaze”

The Simpson Intercultural Center invites members of the campus community to participate in Talkin’ Story on Body Neutrality v. Male Gaze in celebration of International Women’s Day. This event aims to create space for productive discourse about the adverse effects of the male gaze in media on the female body, exploring the framework of body neutrality as a solution.

Please contact Tanya Zaragoza-Rosas for more information or accessibility needs.

Women’s Equity in 2023, Panel Discussion & Luncheon

Join Bellingham Technical College, Associated Students at BTC, and community partners as we honor Women’s History Month with a discussion around the topic, “Women's Equity in 2023.” Panelists from diverse backgrounds, identities and industries will share their leadership journeys, equity challenges they’ve experienced and how they combat them, as well as where they find joy and opportunities moving toward an abundant future. Free lunch and parking is available and open to all students, employees and community members.

Food Justice

Join Dr. Anika Tilland-Stafford, WWU professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Roxana Pardo Garcia, Executive Director of Alimentando al Pueblo; and Tina McKim, Founder of Birchwood Food Desert Fighters as they discuss ongoing challenges in food justice in our own community and beyond. Part of the Queering Research Series, co-organized by LGBTQ+ Western and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Please contact Rae Lynn Schwartz-DuPre for more information or accessibility needs.

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